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Psy-Tek, Labs has a Gas Discharge Visualization / Electro Photonic Imaging System to measure energy fields. We are energetic beings that have a biofield around us that holds information about our health and is influenced by our emotions and the GDV process measures those energy fields. The GDV/ EPI has 3 report outputs: the Auric Field, Organ Function and Chakral Alignment. These help the client and/or the healer know where to work OR how they have influenced the energetic field. This is great for OBJECTIVE energetic assessment: anyone can tell you they feel better, but to see the improvements in energy is irreplaceable.

Download the GDV Flyer here

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The GDV/EPI is an invention of Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, a Russian scientist and physicist. He created the Gas Discharge Visualization / Electro Photonic Imaging System to show that we are energetic beings that have a biofield around us that holds information about our health and is influenced by our emotions. Dr. Korotkov uses Kirlian Photography coupled with the ancient knowledge of acupuncture meridians. The Korean Su Jok Hand acupuncture system is the map that is used to translate the images received through our high-tech software. The GDV/ EPI has 3 report outputs: the Auric Field, Organ Function to Chakral Alignment. These help the client and/or the healer know where to work OR how they have influenced the energetic field. This is great for OBJECTIVE energetic assessment: anyone can tell you they feel better, but to see the improvements in energy is irreplaceable.

This process helps us learn about:

  • Life Energy Patterns

  • Wellness Patterns

  • Disease Patterns

  • Organ Function

  • Chakra Function

    GDV Energy Field Test - Healthy vs Unhealthy












Psy-Tek Subtle Energy Research Laboratory
741 Garden View Ct Ste 206
Encinitas, CA 92024

GDV/EPI Photonic Imaging