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Float North County UPDATE: The Coronavirus in our Community

Hey Float Community!

We have made the difficult decision to
Close Float North County temporarily.
Effective March 19th

We want to acknowledge the threat of COVID-19 in our community and how we are dealing with this threat. Float North County has been a sanctuary to rest and reset for our community for over 5 years and although finding peace and calm is vitally important right now we want to do our part to help reduce the viral spread.

At the heart of our decision is the act of doing our part during this crisis to eliminate all risk at our facility, for our staff and our customers.  After many conversations with our team and a lot of soul-searching, we’ve decided that the only real way to do that is through a temporary closure. We have no reason to think that there is a danger of contracting the coronavirus associated with floating, other than the risk that limited human interaction brings. Float tank centers are a very low-risk facility. Our sanitation processes along with already stringent cleaning protocols have been in place and even heightened during this time.

We will keep a close eye on the situation and make a decision on when to re-open based on new information. We project re-opening the last week of March or the first week of April, but that decision will be made based on safety for our clients and staff.

Thank you so much for your continued support! We are very grateful to have such a wonderful float community and we look forward to seeing you soon!

Please take care of yourselves, your family and friends and most important . . .  stay healthy. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.