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The Float Experience - Come Float San Diego!

At Float North County, we are dedicated to offering a relaxing and rejuvenating experience with each visit, and we have mastered the art of flotation to enhance your wellness routine. Here's what you need to know to get the most out of your San Diego float therapy experience.

Before Your Float 

If it’s your first time floating with us, you may be wondering, what do I do? What do I bring? The short answer is: all you need to bring is yourself, and an open mind. 

Here are a few tips to help you prepare:

  • We provide each float room with all the necessary items you will need, including: earplugs to keep salt out of your ears, and a plant-based Vaseline replacement to protect sensitive areas. 
  • Have a light meal an hour or two before your session (nothing too crazy or you may hear some stomach noises during your float).
  • Avoid caffeine at least a few hours before your float (it’ll make it a little hard to relax)
  • Don’t shave at least 24 hours prior to your session (however shaving your face is usually not a problem)
  • Show up about 15 minutes before your first float to receive an introduction to floating.
  • If you wear contact lenses, you’ll want to remove them before your float. Please bring your case/saline if needed.
  • Before entering the float tank, you’ll shower in your own private float room to ensure your skin and hair are clear of lotions, hair products, deodorants, and perfume. This cleanliness is essential for your enjoyment and maintains the purity of the float environment for all—a genuine "pay it forward" scenario.
  • We recommend floating without a bathing suit to get the most out of your session. You’ll have your own private room with a shower…but if you choose to wear one, no one will know :)
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    During Your Float

    The float environment is perfectly tailored to your body temperature, providing an instant sensation of relaxation with no need to modify the water temperature. We suggest taking a neutral-temperature shower before entering the tank to prevent affecting your body temperature. The tank contains just the essentials, such as optional neck support, and a tiny towel to manage any discomforts, such as itches or adjustments, throughout your session.

    Experiment with various arm postures to discover what feels most natural to you. Finding your particular comfort zone in the tank is essential, whether with your arms over your head, at your sides, or across your chest.

    After Your Float

    After your session, rinse off the salt and shower again using our offered amenities. We also recommend  rinsing any remaining salt from your ears with the vinegar/water solution provided.

Float Away Stress At The Float Spa San Diego Can’t Stop Raving About

This uninterrupted seclusion is more than simply an escape; it is a powerful way to restore your mind and body. Floating helps to cleanse your mind, increases the creation of dopamine and endorphins, and lets your body recover and relax.

Our float center, which includes four state of the art float tanks, offers the ultimate relaxing experience. Each session in our sensory deprivation tank San Diego provides you with an undisturbed 90-minutes to yourself. It is a chance to regroup and come out feeling renewed and motivated.

Dive into the tranquil waters of Float North County and let the cares of the outside world fade away.
Explore more about our services to find your zen and enjoy the most peaceful experience your body has ever had.

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Our memberships offer the BEST options for starting a regular float practice. Awesome perks with little commitment. Click the button above for more info.


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